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The President’s Bear Hug

President’s Bear Hug Ripples & other videos

Barack Obama talking about the Van Duzer Foundation on Letterman
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Scott Van Duzer Talks About The Famous Presidential Bear Hug
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The Hug Seen Around the World
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Bear Hug’ Man Scott Van Duzer Joins ‘Anderson Live’
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The Van Duzer Foundation in People Magazine
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Bear Hug chatter on the Net
Here are some links from other people’s POV of the big bear hug from Scott Van Duzer to President Barack Obama

Letter: Boycott business for presidential hug? These people have sunk to very bottom

Late Show: Obama discusses Romney, Libya, Scott Van Duzer and home brewing on ‘Late Show’

The Guardian: Barack Obama gets lift from pizza man’s bear hug

TPM Livewire:  Obama: We Shouldnt Label Folks Democrats And Republicans

Obama: We Shouldn’t ‘Label Folks’ Democrats And Republicans

Obama Foodorama: Florida Pizzaman Becomes An Obama Favorite after Headline Making Hug